Sowing The Seed
Gourd seeds can be sown directly outdoors when the weather is warm, 110 - 120 days prior to the desired harvest date. Be sure to remove all unwanted plant life prior to sowing your Gourds. The seeds can be planted on 12” hills, in groups of 4 per hill. Sow at a depth of 1” under topsoil. Check below for additional information on spacing and growth habits.
Growing Conditions
Gourds prefer the heat of Summer, and thrive in areas of full sunlight. Temperatures of 85F or higher are recommended. The soil should be rich in organic matter, but also well drained. A well drained soil prevents your plants from becoming waterlogged and rotting. To improve drainage, we recommend adding a light compost to areas containing hard, compact soil. Water the seeds and plants daily, near the roots to avoid mildew.
Germination & Growth
Gourd seeds will take anywhere between 10 to 20 days to germinate successfully. The plants can reach heights of 24 to 30 inches tall, and can spread a good 6 to 12 feet long. Many gardeners use a trellis, or some type of support to grow Gourds vertically. Growing vertically will save space in your garden, and can also improve the oxygen flow through your plants, allowing for a healthier harvest.
Common Misspellings: Gord, Gorde, Gourde, Gords, Gordes