Sowing The Seed
Cabbage is a cool seasoned crop, which is well suited for the early Spring and early to late Autumn season. The seeds can be started indoors, or directly outdoors. If started indoors, sow in peat pots, 6 to 8 weeks prior to the last frost, at a depth of 1/4” under topsoil. Transplant into the garden, or direct sow outdoors, when the weather is slightly cool to warm. Check below for spacing and growth habits.
Growing Conditions
Cabbage plants, as explained above, will thrive in cooler temperatures. It is recommended to place them in an area of full sunlight, with temperatures averaging around 60F to 65F. The plants will need a soil that is rich in organic matter, but also well drained. If your sowing area is filled with hard, compact soil, we recommend adding in a light compost mix to improve drainage. Water the plants daily to ensure that the soil is kept moist until germination has occurred.
Germination & Growth
Cabbage seeds will typically take anywhere between 7 to 14 days to sprout open. The plants themselves will take up little garden space, and can be grown in rows. Each plant can be spaced about 18 to 24 inches apart from one another, in rows that are spaced about 24 to 30 inches apart. Fertilize when new leaves form, and when the heads begin to form. Harvest your Cabbage heads in roughly 70 to 100 days.
Harvesting Black Cherry Tomatoes
Black Cherry Tomatoes are ready for harvesting in about 65 days, after the fruits will turn from green to dark burgundy-red. Simply pick the fruits from their vines. Rinse and store them in the fridge, or eat them fresh.